Folk Marathon is a - by international standards - small grassroots meeting for about 300 people, who meet yearly, each time in a different European town / city. This time it will happen in Vienna / Austria, mainly organised by the cultural organisation Euroots. Our aim is to end up with a balanced budget, to cover expenses, not to make any money. Therefore, we ask for upfront donations ("participation fee" = Folk Marathon Pass), but it's also possible to attend single events, for a one-time-donation each.
Full participation / The Folk Marathon Pass
With the Folk Marathon Pass, you may attend all workshops and all evening activities and hang out at the Folk Marathon headquarters (open during day time). As Folk Marathon is a non-profit meeting, we only ask for a price that we expect to cover the expenses for Folk Marathon (venue rents, sound engineering, fees for music right collecting societies etc.). If we find that any surplus money is left after folk marathon has ended, it will be given back to the community.
The Folk Marathon Pass may only be registered for in advance. As of now, there are non left - anyway, there's a (long!) waiting list.
Transferring your Folk Marathon pass to an other person is possible, if you registered in time. For late registrations (waiting list), there are special conditions: If the team only let you in, because you're member of a band, performing or holding a workshop, it's only allowed to pass it on to someone who will stand in for you as a performer (solo or in a band) or workshop leader. Otherwise not, as that would not be fair towards all the others still in the waiting list.
How does the registration in Vienna (getting your Folk Marathon Pass wristband) work?
As the working group "Registration and Finances" puts it:
There are three modes of operation for the registration procedure.
- On 28th, there will be a guy with long white hair wearing black, called Andi, most likely migrating from Frau Mayer to Wilheim and on to Area, trying to get as much registration done as possible at the fringes of the turmoil. The intention behind that is to reduce the queue on 29th.
- From 29th to 31, there will be a registration desk at FaniaLife. Opening hours are
29th 9:45 am to 4:30 pm
30th 9:45 am to 1:30 pm
31th 9:45 am to 1:30 pm.- Evening registration will be improvised around the opening of the venues there. Please be aware that there will be crowds and queues there.
29th FaniaLife from about 7:00 pm
30th dasWallenstein from about 7:00 pm
31th Reigen from about 8:00 pmThe ceremony is simple: You say your name and receive a wristband, provided that you have registered and paid. If you have not paid your community sleeping, you do that right then and there.
Participation in single events (without the Folk Marathon Pass)
It's possible to participate in single events at the Folk Marathon. This is not meant as a replacement for the Folk Marathon Pass, but mainly as an opportunity for locals (but of course open for everyone who happens to be in Vienna at that time), for instance young and / or curious people, people who don't have holidays or can't afford to fully participate due to lack of time money or energy: To get in touch with the folk music / dance scene, encourage them to participate in events they find interesting, get their feet wet...
- For the evenings Dec 29, 30, 31 and Jan 01, it will be possible to get evening tickets (15/25€) available directly at the venues. First come, first serve. For New Year's Eve, there's a pre-registration.
- You may also attend workshops for a donation at the entrance (recommended: 7-10€ per workshop), the money goes straight to the workshop leaders, to support their work.
- Sessions are free to join for everybody, as long as a venue is not totally overcrowded. Evenings Dec 28 and Jan 2 are free for all anyway (donations welcome).