"Folk Fiddle Ensemble Wien" is a group of enthusiastic fiddlers (and some others) that is led and taught by Angelika Hudler. The group plays a variety of tunes from different (European) folk music traditions. Balkan tunes and songs, Swedish tunes, Balfolk, Slovakian Roma tunes, Polish Polkas and of course Viennese Dances, to name a few. At Folk Marathon they will be supported by some friends and guests, playing a set of mostly danceable tunes and songs.
--------> It is possible to join the group, more Infos here: https://angelikahudler.com/ffew/ (or ask directly!)
Angelika Hudler - fiddle, leading
Andrea Jantschko - oud
Andrea Malfer - fiddle
Andrea Marchhart - fiddle
Guntra Aistara - fiddle
Clara Siersch - viola
NĂ¼khet Maria Stanfel - fiddle
Walter Poeffel - fiddle
Philip Henri - (double-) bass
Jonas Malfliet - accordion
Nina Wasilewa - voice
+ maybe more