Wednesday, January 1st
Workshops will start later, as we might all need a little bit more sleep. ;)
Evening action: Exploring Hernals
Our evening action will all take place in Vienna's 17th district, Hernals. It will include a couple of venues, which all offer cultural activities throughout the year...
We'll start at around 7 with a little New Year's Concert at Kulturcafe Max (caution: There's not so much space, so please come early!) A little bit later, we'll have a bal folk venue at Tennis Cafe, lots of session opportunities in a nice traditional Viennese restaurant Der Brandstetter plus some action in smaller venues.
Evening map:
Hernals, one of the districts in the West of Vienna, close to the hills and rather green, only became a part of the city in the 1880s (before, that, there were just some villages & vineyards). Today's Hernals offers a good mix of old Viennese culture, migrant communities, student life etc.